My rating: 3 of 5 stars
With all due respect to those who found this a 5-star read, I have to disagree. This one made it just over the 3-star mark for me.
Storm Siren and I got off on the wrong foot. I started it on audio, narrated by Christine Stevens. Sadly, she is just not a voice actor and proved to be a deplorable narrator. Even at 2X speed the audiobook could not be redeemed.
So I switched to ebook format. I probably should have just done that at the outset because I would likely have had a better opinion. As it was, I found Nym to be one of those characters who acts one way at the outset and then out of the blue begins to contradict her own actions. There wasn't sufficient character growth for that to happen.
Character development in general is where this book failed me. World building - yes. Action - yes. Cool elemental powers - yes. But characters? Nope, not at all. The whole "going to parties" thing really tended to bog down the pacing. Eogan just annoyed me as Nym's mentor. He never really settled into the love interest role even remotely. Colin and Breck were refreshing and entertaining as were the costumes worn by Adora. The bad guys were pretty bad, which provided a good contrast.
Overall this was a miss for me. However . . . the sequel, Siren's Fury, has a different narrator. Sampling it offers the possibility of a vast improvement, and we all know that a good narrator can elevate a so-so story. This story has some good elements to it, so hopefully the next installment will be better. I'm going to give it a try.
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