My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This novella in a word? Heartbreaking.
This little snack between books in the series gives yet another look into the world of The Darkest Minds. It is so nice when an author gives readers yet another peek into the world they create, and usually from another perspective. To read about Gabe's view of the changed kids based on what he'd been told by the press and the government was enlightening. And this because up to this point, we've only heard from the kids who've been mistreated by said government and press. Here's a regular guy in a real-life situation: economy has tanked, he has no prospects, he needs to make money and wants to do it honestly. Why not become a skip-tracer and round up the freaks?
Suzume is the perfect character for Gabe to catch. The fact that she is mute gives the story such depth! Her personality in general is rich and sweet, so combining that with Gabe's lack of trust/preconceived notions makes for a wonderful look into the world.
There's also another peek into the story at large that will spark the hearts of Darkest Minds' readers.
I wouldn't say this is a must-read for the series, but it definitely added to it. It's possible that the conclusion will figure into Never Fade. Regardless, this novella is worth the short time it takes to invest in the stoy.
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