My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was just what I needed - a cute romance with no major issues. Just a boy and a girl who fall in love and live happily ever after.
Paige, the main character, is a smart girl who has fallen on hard times. While she's initially painted as a bohemian-like free spirit, she seems a bit more spunky. She's an artist but does photography and digital design. Painting seems more like a hobby and less of a vocation. And while she struggles to be a take-charge kind of gal, she ends up being more passive and happy to be taken care of. Maybe this is because she's an only child with great parents (especially being a daddy's girl). All in all, she seemed pretty capable. Letting herself be fiercely protected was at least her choice.
Brendan is the quintessential hot guy who steps in as the knight in shining armor. Kind of predictable, but that was ok. It's just that kind of book. He was swoon-worthy and steady and all the things women love. He was a typical guy written by a woman, and women authors are notorious for writing romantic men that aren't at all realistic. They're written as the man most women want, not the man that most men are.
This book didn't need to have a big bad thing happen. It was just a little slice of life, a guy and girl who fall in love pretty quickly, stay in love, go through a couple of regular life tiffs and tragedy and live happily ever after. It was entertaining sweetness. And the nice thing was that it didn't try to be anything else. So many romances these days try to address flawed characters in horrible situations. Not this book. It's not that it didn't have any depth; it's just that it didn't need to be heavy. It floated along with just the right amount of romance, cute characters, ridiculous and catty old bats and a diner with great pastries.
This would be a great beach read. And who doesn't like a hot mechanic? The cover alone is worth the time it takes to read. I highly recommend it when all you want is dessert.
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